PR Spin

The Public Relations industry has changed immensely over the last decade, and there is still a new movement on the horizon. Just as fancy SEO tricks have been beaten out by well thought out, relevant, and engaging content, the infamous "PR spin" is being blighted out by progressive campaigns rooted in authenticity, generosity, and social change… and we love it. 


At Revolt, we do not "spin," nor do we believe it has a place in modern public relations and marketing tactics. We know that kind acts and truthfulness are good for business, which is why we've resolved to ban hyperbole, manipulation, and exploitation from our campaigns. Yes, we are still seeking to generate exposure, buzz, and credibility for our many fashion, entertainment, and lifestyle clients. The difference is, we aim to do this as credible social strategists and not as "spin doctors."


For too long, PR and marketing professionals have been demonized by journalists. Recent statistics concur that the majority of journalists believe publicists are flat out lying when we send a pitch, and surely, many publicists are. The media industry is changing; there are so many websites promoting fake news. The idea of credibility is being challenged. As an agency that focuses on the ideology of social strategy's and brand development and communication week seek to bring back authenticity to the media industry.  

But Revolt hopes to end this practice and belief once and for all. We will not spin. Instead, we promise to research our clients, their industry, and their clients. From there, we will seek to relay those aspects that genuinely advance the brand and its community. One way we love to do this is by aligning our clients with relevant charitable initiatives. We believe in connecting with millennials, in truly doing this we have to champion causes they will believe in. 

Millennials challenge PR and marketing incentives, that lack integrity, diversity, and authenticity; these campaigns usually results in false and misleading representation. At Revolt, excellent public relations efforts have no ending, but continue to grow and evolve in its effectiveness. We are creative minds, who stand high on the premise of humanity and culture. 


In today's world to be a social strategist, you have to understand people and what fundamentally makes them who they are. The Revolt team seeks to understand, inspire, and inform the world about the fantastic brands we represent. We don't create false news statements; we provided awareness and knowledge about the brands we work with and the masterminds behind them.